Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hi 5 #1: Introduction

Simply put, this is an ongoing blog about a project in Philadelphia.  Catherine and I bought a building a few months ago and are transforming it into recording studio and gallery space.  A lot of people have been asking us for photos and I figure that we might as well start a blog and have a central location for that stuff - and maybe make it a little interesting to read at the same time. And um...  maybe explain a bit of why we haven't been so good about keeping in touch. 

A Postcard

"Here we are in front of our building" is in familiar handwriting on the back.  "Hope we survive the winter...!"  ... "Say hello to the fam!"  It seems kind of like a Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon snapshot... Our pleased grins seem vaguely unaware that we're probably totally nuts to have just spent everything we own on a decaying building in North Philadelphia. "Here's having a good time from the land of urban decay!  Have a pina colada on us!"   

Here is a view of the building from further away. The main building was the Charles Maas Brewery in it's former life. This facade was the entrance.  At some point, the building was used to repair trolleys.  We live in a little house in the back which you can't really see from this angle.  The house was once a machine shop. The floorboards are big crazy hewn lumber that looks like it was chopped by hand with an axe.  And it's painted orange.

A bar made out of old porch railings.  

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