Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Cupola and Loft

How to explain this cabin on the top of the building?

Replacing Old Rotting Wood on a Roof -- pass the Steve Miller

With these stairs, we can now get to the Cupola from the Loft.

Have you ever seen the Loft?  It's sort of the unsung Treasure of this place... or shall be eventually... I think it's kind of cool already.  Dirty as all hell and in need of... everything.


  1. looking good my friend..... looking good!

  2. July 4th. I love the photo of B. high a top Philly with a power tool in hand. Makes me think of the rugged individualism on which this country was founded. ---IL

  3. And the lawlessness of Philadelphia... Not too long ago, a strange assortment of items were found on the neighboring roof -- while doing some work up there, Seth found a loaded pistol and a large double-ended black dildo. The pistol, he brought to the police. The dildo, for some reason something overtook him and he tossed it into the schoolyard across the street. Later a bunch of boys were seen playing with it vigorously.
